Equality Network
The Equality Network is a virtual and informal group of employees, workers, volunteers and representatives of partner agencies who have a particular interest in equality and diversity. The purpose of the group is informative and consultative and members can expect to receive information by email or hard-copy for noting, cascading or requesting feedback. For example:
- National information, including guidance from NHS Scotland and the Equality and Human Rights Commission in relation to ensuring compliance with legislation requirements and the public sector equality duty.
- Requests for information or input, e.g. for publication of reports, good news stories, developing the equality section of the website etc.
- Requests for ideas or collaboration on short-life working groups, e.g. Equality Impact Assessments, national working groups, developing training modules or information for staff etc.
- Consultation - local or national consultation on changes in legislation, revised strategy, policy and practice etc.
- Circulation of general information / items of interest, e.g. media articles, web-based information, forthcoming equality events etc.
- To share and celebrate good practice